Team spirit and skill: the final of the specialists’ competition at the Fergana Oil Refinery revealed the best

The final of the annual professional skills competition, the “Specialists’ Competition,” was held at the Fergana Oil Refinery.

Ecological modernization of the Fergana Oil Refinery: a step towards a sustainable future

Fergana Oil Refinery is actively implementing modern technologies to improve the environmental performance of the enterprise. From 2020 to 2024, the plant implemented

Tactical civil defense exercises held at Fergana Oil Refinery

On October 18, 2024, large-scale special tactical exercises were held at the Fergana Oil Refinery, aimed at practicing actions in the event of natural and man-made emergencies. The purpose of the event is to check the readiness

New central laboratory of Fergana oil refinery: towards modern quality control standards

A modern oil refinery is a complex production facility where crude oil is processed to produce motor and energy fuel, lubricants and other types of valuable petroleum

Living legend of the Fergana oil refinery: Akhunjon Artikov is a mentor and teacher of entire generations

On the eve of October 1, Teachers and Mentors Day, the Fergana Oil Refinery honors its veteran and true teacher, Akhunjon Artikov. His story is a 52-year-long career, 

Modernization of the Fergana oil refinery: a new generation of tanks

The Fergana Oil Refinery is actively modernizing its production facilities, including the construction of new storage tanks for oil and oil products. This will increase the efficiency of the plant,

Opening of the new Ferghana terminal of SEG TASCO

The grand opening of the new terminal of SEG TASCO, a subsidiary of Saneg, took place in Ferghana. The event was attended by representatives of the company's management and the Ferghana Oil Refinery.

Construction of a branch of the Enter Steel machine-building plant at the Ferghana Refinery

A new metalwork plant and a repair and mechanical workshop with an area of 11,769 m2 are being built on the territory of the Ferghana Refinery.

Fergana Oil Refinery at the interregional industrial fair

The fair brought together more than 100 manufacturers and entrepreneurs from various industries, including construction, textiles, petrochemicals, electrical engineering, pharmaceuticals, automotive and tourism.

«Fergana oil refinery plant» LLC, 150106,
Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana region,
city of Fergana,

str. Sanoat 240

Phone: (+99873) 229-45-19
Fax: (+99873) 229-45-76
Helpline: (+99894) 555-83-84,
47-17 (for plant workers)

«Fergana oil refinery plant» LLC © 2025

All rights reserved.

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