We tell you how the workshop for sewing workwear at the Ferghana refinery works.
In October 2022, Saneg launched a sewing workshop for the production of summer and winter workwear at the Ferghana Refinery. Today, the workshop demonstrates high efficiency, providing comfort and safety to its employees.
Seamstresses, tailors, and cutters work in a specially equipped room – more than 30 experienced specialists in total. For sewing workwear, the company purchased 48 sewing machines of the JACK trademark, the world leader in the production of sewing equipment.
“The oil and gas industry is characterized by a variety of working conditions, including high temperatures, chemical exposures, severe weather conditions and other potentially dangerous factors,- says Nazri Nazriev, Director of Saneg Repair Production, - The special clothing produced in our workshop provides reliable protection against these risks, allowing employees to perform their professional duties in a safe working environment”.
Previously, workwear was ordered on the side, but with the development of its own production, the company not only meets the needs for workwear, but also contributes to the creation of additional jobs for the local population.
According to Solihon Abdalimov, the head of the sewing workshop, the result of the work was the production of workwear that meets high quality standards and has a functional design.
“The uniqueness of our approach to creating work clothes lies in the fact that the design of products is developed taking into account the wishes and needs of the working staff, - says Solikhon Abdalimov. -There are also trends and fashion trends in the workwear industry, so the design is reviewed every year, taking into account functionality and practicality”
To date, the workshop has produced more than 5.5 thousand sets of specialized clothing for engineering and technical personnel and workers. In addition, 3.7 thousand winter jackets were made.
“For me, embroidery is a favorite part of the workflow, - says seamstress Mavlyuda Umurzakova. -We work with modern RICOMA embroidery equipment, a variety of heads allows us to perform many operations, which increases productivity and saves time”.
It should be noted that the sewing enterprise launched by Saneg operates simultaneously with the 28th sewing workshop of the Ferghana Oil Refinery, founded in 2007. The workshop is engaged in sewing workwear for refinery employees.
“The launch of an additional workshop brings not only advantages in the production process, but also contributes to improving the efficiency and quality of the production of workwear that meets international standards. In addition, additional jobs are being created in the region with the involvement of young specialists, which leads to the economic well–being of the region's population”, - Nazri Nazriev said.
The company plans to launch bed linen sewing by the end of the year, which will provide shift camps with high-quality and comfortable bed linen, created taking into account the needs and standards of the company.
The press service of the Ferghana Refinery