Plant history


The natural and climatic conditions of the Fergana Valley, rich mineral resources and labor potential created the preconditions for the development of the oil refining industry in Uzbekistan.

The history of the oil refining industry in the Central Asian region began in 1868, when Russian industrialists Fedorov, Khlodov, Zakho , Gromov and others made the first attempts to develop oil fields in the Fergana Valley. However, these attempts were stopped for a number of reasons.

Later, Russian entrepreneurs tried to develop oil fields again, and only in 1904 productive oil wells were discovered. This led to the need to build their own oil refinery.

In the same year, under the leadership of the transport engineer A.N. Kovalevsky, construction of the Vannovsky oil refinery began.


In 1906, the Vannovsky oil refinery (now the Alty-Aryk refinery), which is currently a subdivision of the Fergana oil refinery plant, was put into operation.

Fergana oil refinery plant construction was dictated by the need to create at the place of consumption its own oil refining industry, and to continue the industry and transport development in general throughout the Central Asian region. The task of bringing the industry closer to the sources of raw materials and fuel to the regions of consumption was solved by construction of oil refinery near Fergana. Its uninterrupted functioning prevented a gap between the Central Asian and Kazakh regions' demand for oil products previously imported from outside, eliminating their long journey and the associated excessive operating and capital costs.

On June 26, 1958 the first crude desalter unit (ELOU) was put into operation. The first process atmospheric-vacuum oil distillation unit AVT-1 was put into operation at the beginning of 1959

On January 27, 1959, it was decided to consider as an establishment day of Fergana oil refinery plant.

Further, in order to increase the oil refining depth and to treat oil products, as well as to produce associated components, in different years the following units were put into operation at the plant:

  • 19/3 type bitumen production unit in 1960;
  • 37/1, 37/2, A - 37/1, A - 37/3 type oil solvent refining units from 1960 through 1966;
  • 42/2M type oil contact post-treatment unit in 1961;
  • 44 type vacuum concentration unit in 1961;
  • 40/2 type wax production unit in 1964;
  • 35/2 type extraction and azeotropic distillation unit in 1964;
  • G-24 oil hydrotreating unit in 1966;
  • Ethane production unit in 1968;
  • 39/1, 39/6, 39/7-1, 39/7-2, 39/8 type oil dewaxing units from 1961 through 1969;
  • 36/1, 36/Зм, 36/5 type tar deasphalting unit with propane from 1960 through 1969;
  • 21/10-300, 21/10-600 type delayed coking units from 1964 through 1975;
  • L 35/11-300 and LCh 35/11-600 type catalytic reforming units from 1965 through 1978;
  • Refinery coke calcination in 1987;
  • ELOU-AVT-1, ELOU-AVT-2, ELOU-AVT-3, ELOU-AVT-4, AT-5 type oil and gas condensate primary refining units from 1959 through 1994;
  • Nitrogen generators (PSA) in 1999, etc.

Since the Fergana oil refinery plant has shifted towards using local raw materials with high content of sulfur compounds in 1995, the plant has faced the task to preserve the range and quality of previously produced products, as well as to master new modern technologies, aimed at producing world competitive products. With due account for peculiarities of high sulfur raw material processing the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan by the Decree No. 397 dated 12.11.1996 within the framework of the investment program with the involvement of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD and Export-Import Bank of Japan (JEXIM) has set a direction to retrofit the Fergana oil refinery plant in order to ensure quality of light oil products meeting the world standards and environmental improvement.

The retrofit project was implemented by the Japanese companies Mitsui and Toyo Engineering with the amount of finance exceeding 200.0 million US dollars.

With commissioning of the Diesel Hydrodesulfurization Complex (DHC) in August 1999, along with production of high-quality diesel fuel (sulfur content not exceeding 0.5%) the issue of reducing hazardous substances in the environment through construction of the associated DHC facility of elemental sulfur recovery unit was resolved.

Technical sulfur extracted from diesel fuel is in demand in the chemical and agricultural sectors.

State-of-the-art technology year on year imposes the more stringent requirements to the performance properties of oil products and Fergana oil refinery plant continues to build on its success, developments towards improving the quality of fuels and engine oils are constantly underway at our enterprise.

Over the past years, production of class D and E engine oils has been mastered. They have been successfully tested and approved for production and use. These are diesel engine oils M-8DM, M-10DM, M-14DM.

Moreover, the Fergana oil refinery plans to develop new high-quality engine oils of Ferganol series:

  • M-5z/14 -E1/D2 (SAE 15W 40SG/CD as per API)
  • M-6z/20-E1/D2 (SAE 20W-50SG/CD as per API)
  • M-5z/14-E (SAE 15W-40CF-4/SG as per API)
  • M-6z/20-E (SAE 20W-50CF-4/SG as per API)
  • M-5z/14-D1/G2 (SAE 15W-40SF/СС as per API)
  • M-6z/14-D1/G2 (SAE 20W-40SF/СС as per API)
  • M-6z/20-D1/G2 (SAE 20W-50SF/CC as per API)
In May 2022, the Ferghana Refinery was transferred to the management of Saneg. During this time, it was possible to achieve the production of modern and environmentally friendly diesel fuel (summer and winter), establish the production of Jet A-1 jet fuel, master the production of motor, transmission, hydraulic and gear oils that meet the requirements of modern automotive technology and industrial equipment.

The launch of the Fergana Refinery modernization project marked the beginning of a new stage in the operation of the plant, opening up prospects for digital technologies and improvement of production processes.

История товарного знака на ФНПЗ

History of the trademark at the Fergana refinery

A trademark (service mark) is a designation registered in accordance with the established procedure, which serves to distinguish goods and services of certain individuals and legal entities from similar goods and services of other individuals and legal entities.
1993 year. The first trademark.

The first trademark certificate was registered in the State Register in 1993 on June 9 under No. 33 for the following goods and services:

class 4 - household candles, protective wax, paraffins, gasoline, kerosene, fuel, oils, cokes, additives, fuel gases;

class 19 - bitumen.

The Black Drop trademark is associated with oil, refining and production of petroleum products. This trademark was valid from 1993 to 2016, for 23 years.
2020 year. New trademark.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods" and the Rules of Compilation, on 08.07.2020, an application was submitted to the Intellectual Property Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan from Fergana Oil Refinery LLC for the registration of a trademark service mark and mark.

After passing the examination of the claimed designation by the Intellectual Property Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the trademark certificate was registered in the state register on May 4, 2021 under No. MGU 40345 for the following goods and services:
class 1 - technical sulfur; toluene;

class 4 - unleaded motor gasoline; jet fuel; diesel fuel; fuel oil; liquefied hydrocarbon gases; technical oils and lubricants; lubricants; coke;

class 19 - bitumen;

class 40 - processing of oil, gas condensate and hydrocarbon raw materials.

In accordance with the law "On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods", which came into force on September 22, 2001, legal protection of a trademark in Uzbekistan is provided only after its official registration.

«Fergana oil refinery plant» LLC, 150106,
Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana region,
city of Fergana,

str. Sanoat 240

Phone: (+99873) 229-45-19
Fax: (+99873) 229-45-76
Helpline: (+99894) 555-83-84,
47-17 (for plant workers)

«Fergana oil refinery plant» LLC © 2025

All rights reserved.

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