Company profile

Fergana oil refinery plant Limited Liability Company is one of the leading enterprises for the production of fuels and lubricants in the Central Asian region.
Fergana oil refinery plant is the largest oil refinery, continuous cycle oil-fuel plant with high level of automation. The plant was put into operation on January 27 of 1959, its registered address is Sanoat street 240, Fergana city.
The total area of the enterprise: 474.97 hectares
The plant can produce more than 70 varieties of oil products.
Fergana oil refinery plant comprises more than 20 main and auxiliary workshops, Altyaryk fuel production (AFP), transfer tank farms in the cities of Pap and Angren.
Workshops 1 to 4 are the main process shops, which ensure production of oil products.
The rest are auxiliary and subsidiary shops, which ensure primary production by means of energy resources (steam, water, air, gas, electricity), laboratory quality control of oil products, repair and operation of equipment and instrumentation, loading and shipment of oil products.

AFP comprises the following process units AT-1,2,3, thermal cracking unit TK-2, gas fractionation unit, diphenyl production units (type 417, 413), unit KhL-2. There are tank farms, loading and unloading rack, water-steam boiler house, treatment facilities, mechanical-repair shop, raw-materials shop, water supply area, I&C area, power supply area, ethylene mixing unit.
Fergana oil refinery plant includes oil transportation terminals located in Pap and Angren cities.
Quality, Health, Work safety, Environmental protection and Energy management Policy of the Fergana oil refinery plant
Fergana oil refinery plant LLC is one of the largest enterprises in the Central Asian region for the processing of hydrocarbon raw materials and the production of oil products.
Mission of the enterprise is to produce and supply competitive products, which meet consumers' requirements and obtain sustained profits for the further development of production for the benefit of the state, society and other stakeholders.
Company's vision is to become a highly efficient and competitive company that takes a leading role in the oil and gas sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Our Values:
1) Mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers:
- mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers to ensure high quality, stability, regularity of pace and energy efficiency of supplied raw materials and inventory holdings.
- search and expansion of hydrocarbon raw material sources, including on account of tolling supplies.
2) Consumer orientation:
- continuous improvement of consumer satisfaction by studying and analyzing the consumer market of oil products with respect to the product range and quality, with due account for outpacing consumer demand, as well as by revamping technological processes and equipment, and introducing new equipment and technologies.
- minimizing the negative impact of manufactured products on consumers' health and the environment during the after-sales warranty period
3) Active engagement in the welfare and development of the state and society:
- rigorous compliance with legislative acts of government and supervisory bodies to ensure product quality, occupational health and safety, environmental protection, enhance energy efficiency and reduce energy intensity of production;
- active participation in the implementation of state-run and sector-specific programs;
- contributing to the development and welfare of society;
4) Personnel is our key asset:
- continuous improvement of employees’ skills and motivation;
- increasing the responsibility of personnel for compliance with
legislative, regulatory and other requirements.
5) Work safety and conditions:
- arranging the monitoring of compliance with occupational safety requirements and providing employees with protective equipment;
- professional selection and training of employees;
- improvement of plant’s infrastructure;
- reduction of morbidity and injuries level.
6) Environmental care:
- reducing the negative impact of the plant's activities on the environment by upgrading the outmoded equipment, technological processes and materials used;
- release of environmentally friendly products;
- rational use of fuel and energy and natural resources;
7) Continuous improvement:
- improving the efficiency of quality management systems, integrated management system.
- continuous monitoring of product quality, workers' health, working conditions, safety and environmental protection, as well as energy characteristics in order to remedy nonconformities in a timely and effective manner.
- In order to achieve the objectives set out in this Policy, the management of
Fergana oil refinery plant commits to:
- comply with all declared provisions of this Policy in the field of quality, health, occupational safety, environmental protection and energy management;
- ensure fulfillment of legislative, regulatory and other regulations and requirements in force in the Republic of Uzbekistan and related to health, occupational safety, environmental protection, as well as energy efficiency, rational use and consumption of all types of energy.
- continuously improve the effectiveness of quality management system, integrated management system and energy management system based on the requirements of international standards' revisions in force;
- improve the industrial environmental monitoring system for compliance with the standards of emissions and discharges, as well as rules of industrial waste management and rational use of energy resources;
- ensure improvement of working conditions at workplaces, implement effective means and methods to improve workplace safety, prevent morbidity, work-related injuries and accidents;
- maintain an open dialogue with all stakeholders on quality management, health and occupational safety, environmental protection and energy management related issues;
- ensure continuous improvement of the energy characteristics of production processes and plant divisions;
- ensure availability of information and resources required to achieve the goals and targets in the field of quality, health and occupational safety, environmental protection and energy management;