Fergana Oil Refinery Plant is 65 years old!

One of the largest manufacturing enterprises in the republic, which provides consumers with all types of petroleum products, in particular high–octane gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel, commercial motor oils, bitumen, paraffin and more than 50 other types of petroleum products,

A program to improve the quality of base oils has been launched at the Fergana Oil Refinery Plant

The project, which is being implemented for the first time in Uzbekistan, will improve the quality of the base oils of the first group and bring them up to European standards.

Fergana Oil Refinery Plant doubles gasoline production

This strategic decision was made in response to the growing demand for fuel in winter, when car engines require higher quality and cold-resistant fuel.

The Fergana Oil Refinery Plant is building its own photovoltaic power plant.

As part of the tasks set by the President to accelerate the implementation of renewable energy sources and energy-saving technologies, the Fergana Oil Refinery Plant adopted a program for the integrated organization of work

Final specialist competition

A year passes, a change of generations occurs. This is a natural state. This process is observed both in human life and at work. For parents, this is the best way to educate their children and instill in them human qualities, and for qualified teachers working at the enterprise, to teach their students the secrets of the industry based on their many years of experience.

Tulkin Yusupov: “Our goal is continuity of production and providing the population with high-quality and affordable fuel”

From October 3 to 4, Saneg General Director Tulkin Yusupov made a working visit to the Fergana Oil Refinery Plant.

Tulkin Yusupov appointed as a General Director of Saneg

Prior to his appointment, he worked as First Deputy General Director - Executive Director of the Production Division of Saneg.

The Fergana Oil Refinery Plant determined the TOP 12 best employees.

On September 22, 2023, the Fergana Oil Refinery hosted the final stage of the “Best in Profession” professional skills competition in 12 different nominations 

“Best worker by profession” at the Fergana Oil Refinery for the month of August 2023

In September 2020, to improve the professional skills of the plant’s workers, as well as to promote and increase the prestige of their professions,

«Fergana oil refinery plant» LLC, 150106,
Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana region,
city of Fergana,

str. Sanoat 240

Phone: (+99873) 229-45-19
Fax: (+99873) 229-45-76
е-mail: info@fnpz.uz
Helpline: (+99894) 555-83-84,
47-17 (for plant workers)

«Fergana oil refinery plant» LLC © 2025

All rights reserved.

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