ELOU-AVT: The first installation at the Ferghana refinery

In honor of the plant’s 65th anniversary, we are talking about the first oil refining installation and are starting a series of publications about the history of our enterprise.

January 27, 1959 is a landmark date for the Fergana Oil Refinery. It was on this day that the first primary oil refining unit was put into operation - an electric desalting unit and an atmospheric-vacuum tube (ELOU-AVT).

This moment ushered in a new era in the production of petroleum products, setting high standards for quality and efficiency in the industry.


What kind of installation is this and why is it needed in the oil refining industry?

ELOU-AVT is a primary oil refining unit designed to purify crude oil and separate it into various fractions in accordance with the technological standards of the enterprise.

The plant plays a key role in oil refineries. The main goals and functions of the ELOU-AVT include:

- Desalting: ELOU-AVT removes salts and other oil waste from oil, which improves the quality and purity of oil products.

- Distillation: the unit distills desalted oil in two stages - atmospheric and vacuum, in order to separate the oil into different fractions. This includes the process of separating gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, fuel oil and other petroleum products.

- Quality improvement: ELOU-AVT helps improve the quality of petroleum products, ensuring their compliance with quality standards and market requirements.

- Increased productivity: the plant provides efficient primary processing of raw materials, which helps to increase the overall productivity of the plant.

ELOU-AVT-1 was an innovative system developed by the “Azgiproneftekhim” Institute (Baku), which purified and separated oil into fractions according to the strict standards of the plant. The design capacity of the installation, amounting to 600 thousand tons per year, opened up new horizons for the production of petroleum products.

Over time, in response to growing demand and technological needs, ELOU-AVT-2.3 and ELOU-AVT-4 were installed at the Fergana Refinery. These units, designed by the same “Azgiproneftekhim” institute, increased the design capacity to 1,000 thousand tons per year each, which brought the plant to the position of a leading producer in the region.

“ELOU-AVT is a key element in the production process of the Fergana Refinery, ensuring high quality and variety of products produced. Thanks to this technology, the plant is able to produce a wide range of petroleum products, including gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, that meet modern quality and safety standards”,- says Dilshod Urunbaev, chief engineer of the Fergana Refinery. -“The ELOU-AVT not only ensures stable production, but also continues to evolve, striving to improve processes and increase efficiency.”


The press service of the Ferghana Refinery
