The Day of Trade Unions was celebrated at the Ferghana Refinery

Sports and celebrations in honor of the Day of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan were heldat the Ferghana Oil Refinery. Employees of the plant took partin sports competitions organized by the trade union committee of the enterprise.

The women's relay race was especially bright: teams from different workshops of the plant competed in running, jumping,tug of war and hitting the ball. The first place was taken by the team of workshop No.12 "Control, measuring instruments and automation", the second place was taken by the team of workshop No.5" Water supply, sewerage, steam and gas supply andlo calization of contaminated ground water", the thirdplacewas taken by the team of workshop No.23"Internalservice of the land scaping plant".

Nine teams took part in the men's mini-football tournament. In intense matches, the first place was taken by the team of workshop No.1"Primary Reproduction", which defeated the team of workshop No.17" Information and Communication Technologies"with a score of 4:2. The third place was won by the team of workshop No.4" Preparation of raw materials and production".

"Our trade union is more than 60 years old, and during this time it has become a reliable support for the plant's employees," said Rashidjon Saidaliev, chairman of the trade union committee of the Ferghana Refinery. "It is important for us to help and protect the rights of employees, create conditions for their health and well–being, so that every employee feels supported and team spirit."



The press service of the Ferghana Refinery


