As part of advanced training and reinforcement of practical skills, students-ecologists of the Ferghana region visited “Fergana Oil Refinery Plant LLC”.

On the initiative of the Center for Advanced Studies and Retraining under the State Committee for Ecology of the Republic of Uzbekistan, advanced training courses were organized for district city inspectors of the State

Youth Day celebration at the Ferghana Oil Refinery Plant.

June 30 - Youth Day, solemnly celebrated at the Fergana Oil Refinery plant.

The administration of the plant and public organizations have developed activities within the framework of the "Youth Month".

Program for training users of computer literacy.

While implementing a large project on enterprise automation "Integrated information system based on SAP S / 4 HANA", a "Program for training users of computer literacy" had been developed.

Participation of student youth in improving the efficiency of the Fergana Oil Refinery Plant

In accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan RCM No. 222 “On measures to support talented youth engaged in scientific and innovative activities” dated April 19, 2021, Fergana Oil Refinery Plant LLC

The plant’s table tennis championship has come to an end.

By the initiative of the United Trade Union of the Fergana Oil Refinery Plant and the Department of Support and Social Development, various sports competitions are regularly held for the employees of the plant to popularize physical culture and sports among the plant workers, to attract them to mass sports.

"Fergana Oil Refinery Plant" LLC once again confirmed compliance with the requirements of international standards.

The quality management system, health protection and labor protection, the environmental management system, as well as the energy management systems of Ferghana Oil Refinery Plant LLC comply with the requirements of international standards.

A course on "Computer literacy" was organized for the employees of "Fergana Oil Refinery Plant".

Today, there is no industry that information technology has not penetrated. Regardless of the industry, modern information technology is becoming an important driver of innovation in terms of convenience, transparency and speed.

An important meeting was organized for the women of the Fergana Oil Refinery Plant LLC.

These directions of state policy are supported by our people, especially by women.The deputy mayor of the Ferghana region - the head of the department of family and women K. Kavlanova,

The results of the "Best in Profession" contest among employees for April 2022 have been summed up at Fergana Oil Refinery Plant LLC.

The results of the contest were announced at a solemn event with the presentation of challenge cups and placement on the electronic Board of Honor of laureates.

«Fergana oil refinery plant» LLC, 150106,
Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana region,
city of Fergana,

str. Sanoat 240

Phone: (+99873) 229-45-19
Fax: (+99873) 229-45-76
Helpline: (+99894) 555-83-84,
47-17 (for plant workers)

«Fergana oil refinery plant» LLC © 2025

All rights reserved.

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