Fergana oil refinery visited by students of Fergana polytechnic institute

Fergana oil refinery hosted a group of students from the Fergana Polytechnic Institute.

The purpose of this excursion was to introduce future specialists to the real working conditions at one of the largest enterprises in the petrochemical industry of Uzbekistan, as well as to the advanced oil refining technologies used at the plant.

Alisher Zhumaboev , senior lecturer of the Department of Oil and Oil and Gas Processing of the Faculty of Chemical Technology of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute, who accompanied the students, noted:

"This kind of practical training at the plant significantly deepens the students' understanding of the processes being studied. They see in practice how theory is translated into real work."

In turn, Nasiba Shodmonova , head of the personnel training and development department of the Fergana Oil Refinery, emphasized:

"Support for young professionals and students is one of our priorities. We try to create all the conditions so that practical training and excursions at the plant contribute to the formation of professional skills in future specialists in the petrochemical industry."

Since the beginning of the year, 242 students from various universities and colleges have already completed their internship at the Fergana Oil Refinery. Students majoring in Chemical Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Power Supply, Automation of Technical Management Systems and other specialties annually choose the Fergana Oil Refinery for their internship. The program covers both technical and managerial aspects of work in the oil and gas complex.

This year the plant has already collaborated with such educational institutions as:

  1. Fergana Polytechnic Institute – areas of “Chemical Technology”, “Mechanical Engineering Technology”, “Electricity Supply”.
  2. Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology – areas of “Oil and Gas Processing”, “Mechanical Engineering Technology”.
  3. Tashkent State Technical University – direction “Automation of technical control systems”.
  4. Tashkent University of Information Technologies (Fergana branch) – “Computer Engineering” program.
  5. Fergana Professional College of Oil and Gas – courses: “Oil and Gas Processing Operator”, “Mechanical Engineering”, “Technological Pump and Compressor Operator”, “Instrumentation and Automation Mechanic”.
  6. Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin – direction “Economics and Management of the Oil and Gas Complex Enterprise”.

Thanks to the modernization of existing installations and the construction of new production lines, the plant actively attracts young specialists for further employment. An important part of the development program is also the exchange of experience with university and college teachers who undergo internships at the enterprise to share relevant practical knowledge with students.


Press service of Fergana Oil Refinery

