Environmental protection activities
Environmental protection activities at the enterprise are regulated on the basis of the Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the protection and rational use of the country's natural resources.
Ferghana Refinery LLC has an Eco-analytical laboratory, which employs highly qualified industry specialists. The laboratory is equipped with modern analytical equipment, the work is carried out in accordance with current methodological manuals and regulatory documentation.
Daily production environmental control is carried out by the eco-analytical laboratory of Ferghana Refinery LLC. Operational control of wastewater and groundwater of the enterprise, as well as the air environment at the border of the sanitary protection zone and along the perimeter of the enterprise, is conducted in order to check air quality and its compliance with established standards.
In compliance with the requirements of Legislative acts regarding environmental protection, the company has developed a number of environmental measures, in particular:
- on the basis of the national program "Yashil Belbog", according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 81 dated 05/31/2023, more than 10,200 fruit and ornamental trees were planted in the nearby and territory of the enterprise;
- compensation payments for the company's environmental management are being paid on the basis of PCM No. 202 dated 04/12/2021, agreed with the Ferghana Regional Department for Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change;
- there are approved regulatory documents for environmental protection purposes, on the basis of which daily environmental monitoring is conducted;
- systematic monitoring of the formation and movement of household and industrial waste is carried out;
- on the basis of the approved schedule, thematic trainings are conducted jointly with the personnel training and development department in order to improve the skills of employees on environmental protection issues of the enterprise;
- Ferghana Refinery LLC has environmental certificates for waste and production processes.
Environmental management system
Ferghana Refinery LLC conducts its activities in accordance with the international standard of the environmental management system ISO 14001-2004, which has been operating at Ferghana Refinery LLC for over 15 years and is annually audited by independent audit organizations.
In 2017, Ferghana Refinery LLC confirmed the compliance of the environmental management system with the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001:2015.
With the introduction of an Integrated Environmental Management System at the enterprise, potential environmental risks are assessed and measures are being implemented to prevent negative impacts, as well as to ensure environmental safety. Annual internal audits are conducted.
In accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015, the company has established annual performance targets for the environmental management system and other implemented and operating management systems such as ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001.
Rational use of natural resources
One of the main goals of Ferghana Refinery LLC is the rational use of natural resources and the reduction of harmful effects on the environment. So, in the autumn of 2019, new “Treatment facilities” for industrial wastewater of the enterprise with a capacity of 1,826 m3/hour were launched. The company has built and commissioned a unique wastewater treatment system built by the Czech company "WABAG", which is the only one that has no analogues in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In addition, since March 2021, the plant's specialists have designed and built a line for the return of treated wastewater to the plant's water circulation system. Due to high-quality cleaning and successful connection to the return line of treated wastewater into the water circulation system, an expedient benefit was obtained for the enterprise for the protection and rational use of natural resources, as well as significant financial benefits.
In the Republic of Uzbekistan, every year, twice a year, the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan conducts monthlies on the Clean Air project, extraordinary inspections of gas stations and maintenance stations are carried out. services. Consequently, within the framework of the Clean Air project, work is being carried out at Ferghana Refinery LLC to measure exhaust gases for compliance with MPC and check the technical condition of vehicles. Throughout the event, specialists of the eco-analytical laboratory of Ferghana Refinery LLC, together with the company's motor transport division, carry out a number of measures aimed at reducing the environmental impact of harmful impurities from motor vehicles.
The company's standards in the field of environmental protection have been developed and implemented, and working personnel are being trained on environmental safety and responsibility for violations of environmental legislation.
Environmental safety
- The main processes ensuring environmental safety and environmental protection at Ferghana Refinery LLC:
- Identification of legislative requirements;
- Inventory of emission sources and environmental impact assessment;
- Identification of environmental aspects;
- Management of environmental safety programs;
- Risk management in the field of environmental safety;
- Management of emissions, production and consumption waste;
- Conservation of biological diversity;
- Environmental monitoring and industrial environmental control;
- Audit of the environmental safety management system;
- Management of the system of prevention, localization of emergency situations and elimination of consequences;
- Training and development of personnel in the field of environmental safety;
- Management of statistical reporting in the field of environmental safety;
- Processing of production waste;
- Environmental monitoring activities (the state of the air environment, wastewater, groundwater and soils at the border of the sanitary protection zone, waste management activities of production and consumption);
- Plans of environmental protection measures aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment;
Targeted environmental programs to eliminate the negative impact on the environment;
Environmental projects implemented as part of the modernization of the enterprise
Currently, large-scale modernization works are underway at Ferghana Refinery LLC. According to the modernization projects of the enterprise, along with the optimization and reconstruction of the production cycle, it is planned to modernize the entire and individual parts of environmental protection facilities. For example, in pursuance of Presidential Decree No. 81 dated 05/31/2023, a schedule for the modernization of PGOU (Dust and gas cleaning equipment) and equipment of ASUPV (automated industrial emissions management system) was approved.
Upon completion of the design work on the modernization of the enterprise, a stationary post and an automatic control system for discharges and emissions into the natural environment will function, which makes it possible to promptly respond to environmental impacts. Also, about 10 modern PGOs will operate in the production cycles of the enterprise.
In general, after completion of work on modernization projects, Ferghana Refinery LLC will reduce emissions into the atmosphere and discharges into wastewater.
Environmental culture
In order to develop and improve the environmental culture at the enterprise, employees are trained annually to improve their professional knowledge on a regular basis. Training is conducted for employees whose activities are directly or indirectly related to environmental impacts and specialists responsible for ensuring environmental safety and industrial waste management. Training seminars are held periodically in cooperation with the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan.