Every year on June 5, the world community celebrates World Environment Day. This day is intended to draw attention to environmental protection and sustainable development issues. As part of this important event, we want to talk about what steps the Fergana Oil Refinery is taking to protect the environment and ensure environmental safety.
World Environment Day 2024 is dedicated to restoring land, halting desertification and building resilience to drought under the theme “Our Land. Our future. We are the #GenerationRecovery.” We can't turn back time, but we can grow forests, restore water sources and restore healthy soils. We are the generation that can bring peace to the earth(https://www.un.org/ru/observances/environment-day).
“In honor of World Environment Day, I would like to note that the Fergana Refinery puts the environment as a priority. We have developed and implemented a comprehensive environmental policy that allows us to minimize the negative impact on nature. This policy includes strict monitoring of compliance with environmental standards and the active introduction of modern technologies and innovations. We are proud of the results achieved and will continue to work to improve the environmental situation”, - said Zafarjon Teshabayev, director of the Fergana Refinery.
Environmental Management System
The Fergana Refinery operates in accordance with the international environmental management system standard ISO 14001-2004, which has been in effect at the plant for more than 15 years and is annually audited by independent audit organizations.
In 2017, the Fergana Refinery confirmed the compliance of the environmental management system with the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001:2015.
In accordance with the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 standard, the enterprise has established annual performance targets for the environmental management system and other management systems, such as ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001.
FNPZ also has environmental certificates for waste and production processes.
Environmental policy of the Fergana Refinery
- Daily industrial environmental control is carried out by the eco-analytical laboratory of the Fergana Refinery: checking the wastewater and groundwater of the enterprise, as well as the air environment on the border of the sanitary protection zone and along the perimeter of the enterprise, in order to check the air quality and its compliance with established standards;
- Based on the national program “Yashil Belbog”, over 10,200 fruit and ornamental trees were planted on the territory of the enterprise and nearby areas;
- Payment of compensation payments for the use of natural resources of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of PCM No. 202 dated April 12, 2021, agreed with the Fergana Regional Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change;
- Systematic monitoring of the generation and movement of household and industrial waste is carried out;
- Together with the personnel training and development department, thematic training is conducted to improve the skills of employees on environmental protection issues of the enterprise;
- New treatment facilities for industrial wastewater of the enterprise were launched, with a capacity of 1,826 m3/hour. The enterprise has built and put into operation a unique wastewater treatment system, built by the Czech company “WABAG”, which has no analogues in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- The plant's specialists designed and built a line to return treated wastewater to the plant's water circulation system. Thanks to high-quality cleaning and successful connection to the return line of treated wastewater into the water circulation system, the enterprise preserves and rationally uses natural resources and significantly saves financial resources.
Environmental projects
Today, large-scale modernization work is underway at the Fergana Refinery. As part of the modernization of the enterprise, it is planned to improve the production cycle and environmental facilities.
For example, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 81 of May 31, 2023, a plan was approved for the modernization of dust and gas cleaning equipment and the installation of an automated industrial emissions control system.
After modernization, a stationary post and an automatic system for monitoring emissions and discharges will be installed at the enterprise, which will make it possible to quickly respond to their impact on the environment. About 10 modern dust and gas purification plants will also operate. As a result, the Fergana Refinery will significantly reduce emissions into the atmosphere and discharges into wastewater.
The press service of the Ferghana Refinery