To the attention of all employees of the plant!

We inform you that in order to fulfill the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.PF-5812 of September 6, 2019 "On additional measures to improve the vocational education system" ,

Employees of Fergana Oil Refinery and ATP took an active part in the nationwide charity hashar.

As in all regions of the country, in organizations, enterprises and institutions, the staff of the Fergana

About the work done within the framework of the Modernization project Fergana Oil Refinery LLC

As you know, a large-scale modernization, reconstruction and reformation of production is being carried out at the Fergana Oil Refinery.

"Invention and rationalization are the path to enterprise innovation"

The main potential of the enterprise is its employees. Without employees, an organization will not be able to achieve its global goals.

«Fergana oil refinery plant» LLC, 150106,
Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana region,
city of Fergana,

str. Sanoat 240

Phone: (+99873) 229-45-19
Fax: (+99873) 229-45-76
Helpline: (+99894) 555-83-84,
47-17 (for plant workers)

«Fergana oil refinery plant» LLC © 2025

All rights reserved.

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