Today, on January 26, Ferghana Oil Refinery Plant LLC summed up the results of the Best Profession contest among workers for November.
The results of the competition of representatives in connection with the distribution of challenge cups and placement on the electronic board for registering winners. Even though all applicants were satisfied with their profession, nominated by their workshops, the specialists who noted increased dedication, exemplary discipline and reasonable initiative received the greatest support in the implementation of the vote of their colleagues.
Thus, the honorary title "Best in Profession" for success in the reporting month, while fulfilling work plans, high production and technical and economic results, minimizing the cost of material resources, as well as high labor discipline and the absence of injuries, were achieved:
- "The best operator of technological installations" - Koraboev Makhsujon Makhmudovich, workshop No. 1;
- "The Best Commodity Operator" - Sodikov Shukurullo Gayratzhonovich, workshop No. 4;
- "The best driver of technological pumps" - Boltaboev Azizjon Avazovich, workshop No. 2;
- "The Best Electrician" - Zhalilov Mukhiddin Odilovich, workshop No. 11;
- "Best Priborist" Otazhanov Saijon Akhunovich, workshop No. 12;
- "The best mechanical repair worker" - Mirzaahmedov Asiljon Abdulaziz ogli, workshop No. 6;
- "The best laboratory assistant, sampler" - Makhmudova Mu'tabar Rakhmatjonovna shop No. 10;
- "Best Worker of Transport Service" Sattarov Anvar Kayumovich shop No. 13;
- "Best Line Personnel" - Gafurov Khayotjon Kodirovich, workshop No. 9;
- "The best worker of the VGSO, VVO" - Tokhirjon Tokhirov Abdujaborovich, workshop No. 19;
- "The best worker of AUP" - Mazitov Timur Faridovich shop No. 20;
- "The best worker of service personnel" - Suyarkulova Saida Nematullaevna shop No. 30.
Press Service of “Fergana Oil Refinery Plant” LLC