The past week has been difficult.
On January 25, as our readers know, there was a rolling power outage of consumers in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The Ferghana Oil Refinery was no exception. At 11 am, as a result of a deep voltage drop, all technological facilities of the plant stopped. In fact, the personnel of each of the technological installations worked out an emergency, according to the introductory one: “cutting off the supply of electricity to the facility”. Professionals know that at a fire and explosion are hazardous for enterprise, and such incidents are associated with a high risk of mode failure, depressurization, spillage of oil products and, as a result, the possibility of fire and further development of an emergency.
Practical experience has shown the high professionalism of the employees of the Fergana oil refinery, who did not allow an accident at any facility.
Power engineers failed to restore power supply immediately in full. Of the three independent power inputs, the plant remained exclusively on the input of feeders from the Fergana TPP, which also managed to maintain the regime and provide the minimum energy demand for the industrial hub of Fergana.
Having promptly sorted out the situation, Ferghana oil refiners restored the atmospheric unit modes of the main oil refining unit AVT-2 and gasoline reformer L-35/11-300 by 13:00 of the current day on January 25, which made it possible to establish their own production of fuel gas in conditions of pressure drop in gas mains of the republic, as well as to proceed with the further start-up of emergency shutdown facilities. All operations were carried out in the absence of mandatory backup of power supply only at the feeders of the Ferghana TPP. By the time the power supply was restored from the main step-down substations of the GPP-1 and GPP-2 enterprises, which occurred only in the second half of the next day on January 26, the AVT-2 units, gasoline reformer, diesel fuel hydrotreater GDS, oil dewaxing unit were already in operation. 39/8, all auxiliary facilities and systems of the plant, including water intake and water supply, treatment facilities, steam and heat supply, technical air supply.
Thanks to the stocks of components, the mixing and commercial production of motor gasolines, diesel fuels, jet fuel and lubricating oils did not stop for a minute. All listed passport products were available and shipped to the consumer in the planned volume, fully meeting the needs of the Ferghana Valley and the republic in oil products.
Currently, the Fergana Oil Refinery Plant is operating at a normal technological regime and planned loads, continuing to fulfill its obligations to consumers for the supply of petroleum products in full.
Press Service of “Fergana Oil Refinery Plant” LLC