As part of the tasks set by the President to accelerate the implementation of renewable energy sources and energy-saving technologies, the Fergana Oil Refinery Plant adopted a program for the integrated organization of work to improve energy efficiency in accordance with the international standard of energy management systems ISO 50001.
Thus, the first stage of the project with a total cost of 2.4 million US dollars provides for the installation of a solar station with a capacity of 1.6 MW on free sites, roofs of existing and new buildings of the administrative and residential complex. Technological and modern panels are monocrystalline, which allows them to be used for a long time.
Today, the enterprise supplies consumers, technological installations and auxiliary structures with 64 transformer substations and a central switchgear. Electricity costs account for 27% of total energy costs in production.
It is expected that starting from the first quarter of 2024, the cost of electricity consumption at the enterprise will be reduced to 20%. In addition, the project for the introduction of solar panels, which require regular operation and maintenance, will create new jobs and, in the future, technical specialties in demand in the labor market.
In addition, by the end of 2024 it is planned to build 10 solar generation facilities with a total capacity of up to 16 MW.
“The implementation of the project for the construction of a photovoltaic power plant at the Fergana Oil Refinery Plant represents an important stage in ensuring the energy sustainability of the enterprise. It is expected that in 2024, as part of the implementation of the project, the Federal Refinery’s electricity costs will be reduced by 5%, noted the chief power engineer of the Fergana Refinery, Umidjon Sotvoldiev. “In-house energy will increase the reliability of power supply to plant installations from its own generation, reduce the cost of purchasing energy resources and contribute to the development of green technologies.”
Press-service of “Fergana Oil Refinery Plant LLC”