"Invention and rationalization are the path to enterprise innovation"

The main potential of the enterprise is its employees. Without employees, an organization will not be able to achieve its global goals. Therefore, it is necessary to motivate your employees to work, to create a labor motivation system that will suit both employees and the enterprise itself. In modern competitive struggle, only those market entities that reduce the cost of production and offer lower prices do not always win, but, first of all, those organizations and companies that produce competitive, high-quality and scientific-technical level products, that is, win. take into account the growing needs of market consumers. The decisive means of implementing the strategy of an organization's activities in a market environment is scientific and technological progress. Scientific and technological progress is a continuous process of development and improvement of means and objects of labor, technologies and organization of production based on the acquisition, accumulation and use of modern scientific knowledge and technical achievements. It covers all stages of the production process from theoretical applied research to the introduction of new technology into production, provides an upgrade of the material and technical base, increases labor productivity and the competitiveness of products, acts as the most important means of solving social and economic problems. In practice, the development and improvement of the productive forces of the enterprise, their transfer to a qualitatively new state, focused on the use of high-tech industries and intellectual resources, is implemented through innovations (innovations), rationalization and inventions based on the latest achievements of science and technology. This is a planned process aimed at further improving the developed types of equipment, creating new products, types of services and technologies, preparing the most important scientific and technical programs and introducing them into production. Rationalization is one of the techniques aimed at maximizing the talents and abilities of employees. The beginning of the rationalization of the Fergana oil refinery dates back to 1963. An rationalization proposal is a technical or organizational solution that is new and useful for the enterprise to which it is submitted, and that saves labor, raw materials, fuel and energy and other material or financial resources, or improves conditions, labor and ecology. A proposal is recognized as new for an enterprise if, prior to the submission of an application, in the established form, this or the same solution has not been used before, is not provided for by the standards, norms, specifications and has not been developed by the technical services of the enterprise, or declared by another person who holds the primacy. Rationalization and invention of the enterprise are aimed at producing a given volume of products with less consumption of resources, or to increase production with constant resources. Involvement of a wide range of employees in rationalization and invention is an indispensable condition for the successful development of an enterprise. The company's activities in the field of rationalization at Fergana Oil Refinery LLC are regulated by the "Regulations on the organization of inventive and rationalization activities" and other regulatory documents, laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan in relation to innovators and inventors. Legal protection of inventors and innovators is protected by the Laws, Codes of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The first deputy director - technical director coordinates and leads the work on rationalization and invention at the enterprise. The organization of work is carried out by the department for the development of innovative activities. Over the 2019-2021 years of the department's work, more than 122 rationalization proposals were submitted and registered. Of these, 63 were accepted and 27 were rejected. 32 rationalization proposals are under consideration. The submitted rationalization proposals go through all stages of consideration from the shop specialists to the main specialists in the areas. Every rationalization proposal is the property of the company, and every idea is priceless. In total, more than 200 million soums were paid to the rationalizers. The workers of the plant have always actively participated and continue to participate in the rationalization movement, thereby demonstrating their interest in the development of their native enterprise.


Press service of “Fergana Oil Refinery Plant” LLC


