The processes of business transformation and the development of management concepts directly depend on the system of principles and methods of organizing and building theoretical and practical activities - methodology.
In terms of the development of methodological documentation, on 20.04.2022 a meeting was held at Fergana Oil Refinery Plant LLC, within the framework of which a report was presented on the project "Automation of basic HR processes based on SAP HCM".
Specialists of the Contractor's company "LeverX International" (Belarus) presented the materials developed within the framework of the project Stage 2.1 Conceptual design to the meeting members.
(At the photo is the speaker of the meeting, the methodologist of LeverX Morenova S.A.)
During the implementation of the “SAP HCM Implementation Project”, the main methodological documents were developed for the Fergana Oil Refinery Plant:
- Regulations on the payment and motivation of employees - a document that defines the conditions and mechanisms for the monetary remuneration of employees, describing the systems and mechanisms for the constant and variable parts of the monetary remuneration.
- Regulation on the accounting of working time - a document on planning, organizing, and accounting for the use of working time, accounting for violations of labor discipline, personnel records.
Additional methodological documents:
- Internal labor regulations.
- Instructions for registration of business trips and reimbursement of expenses associated with their implementation.
Regulations on the remuneration and motivation of employees' labor were developed in order to increase the material interest of employees in improving the production and economic results of the Organization's activities. It is aimed at strengthening the connection between the employee's remuneration and his or her personal labor contribution and the final results of the work of the Organization as a whole.
In the approaches to the development of the Regulations on the payment and motivation of employees, the following basic principles were used:
- equal pay for equal work;
- non-admission of discrimination in wages;
- creating opportunities for income growth for all categories of workers.
The main objectives of the Regulations on the accounting of working hours are:
- improving the quality of accounting for working hours actually worked by each employee
- increasing the correctness of wages for actual hours worked.
Working hours and staff time are a very important resource for an organization.
Time tracking is a system for monitoring and fixing employees during working hours, assessing their productivity and the effectiveness of the entire organization.
LeverX specialists wholeheartedly wish the Fergana Oil Refinery Plant to improve work processes and achieve the most ambitious goals.
Press Service of “Fergana Oil Refinery Plant” LLC