Increasing the potential of the Fergana refinery through technical and technological modernization.

PHOTO REPORT The khokim of the Fergana region Khairullo Bozorov visited the Fergana refinery and got acquainted with the process of technical and technological renewal, the stages of modernization, the primary processing of petroleum products, and laboratory research.

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"Prices for gasoline on the exchange practically do not exceed the original prices," said a representative of the Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of the Republic of Uzbekistan

In July, gasoline in Uzbekistan rose in price by 4 percent, and propane by 5.5 percent. The commodity stock market led to the main factors of price increases.

He noted that gasoline prices practically did not rise on the exchange.

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The Fergana Oil Refinery takes an active part in the construction of modern playgrounds in Fergana

In pursuance of the requirements of Appendix No. 2 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 24, 2017 No. PP-2922, construction of children's and sports grounds is being organized in the territories adjacent to the multi-apartment housing stock.

«Fergana oil refinery plant» LLC, 150106,
Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana region,
city of Fergana,

str. Sanoat 240

Phone: (+99873) 229-45-19
Fax: (+99873) 229-45-76
Helpline: (+99894) 555-83-84,
47-17 (for plant workers)

«Fergana oil refinery plant» LLC © 2025

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