In pursuance of the requirements of Appendix No. 2 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 24, 2017 No. PP-2922, construction of children's and sports grounds is being organized in the territories adjacent to the multi-apartment housing stock.
In accordance with the program developed by the khokimiyat of the city of Fergana and the Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Fergana region, construction of children's and sports grounds is being organized in the territories adjacent to the multi-apartment housing stock. These institutions play an important role not only in meaningful leisure activities for children, but also in strengthening their health and physical conditioning. On each site, about ten play structures are installed, the technical condition and cleanliness of which are constantly monitored by the gathering of citizens of the makhalla, and also worn out sports equipment are repaired and reconstructed. In accordance with the program outlined in the plan of the city of Fergana for 2021, the “engineering company for the construction of apartment buildings and heat supply” installed and commissioned 27 new playgrounds, also of 32 playgrounds to be repaired, 18 repairs have been fully completed and put into operation.
Also, the Khakimiyat of the Fergana region installed 100 playgrounds, the Fergana oil refinery and the Fergana TPP installed 47 playgrounds. In total, 193 playgrounds will be commissioned in Fergana in 2021.